Nila Systems has more expertise in lighting for motion capture than any other lighting company. Nila CEO Jim Sanfilippo designed and installed the mo-cap lighting rigs for Sony Computer Entertainment of America (Playstation), Lightstorm (Avatar), the Zemeckis Stage at Playa del Rey (currently operated by Digital Domain), and many others. We can advise you on the most economical and effective way to light your space to meet your needs.
Nila's LED fixtures provide a lot of visible light but very little in the infrared range. That means that they won't interfere with IR cameras in the way that incandescent fixtures do. They also have very low power consumption - important when your stage is operated around the clock during crunch time.
Low Infrared
Unlike conventional lighting, our LED fixtures produce very few wavelengths in the infrared range. That means they won’t interfere with your IR camera system.
Nila's fixtures produce light that's truly flicker-free at any frame rate when used at 100% output and at speeds up to 5000 fps when dimmed.
Massive Savings
Most Nila systems create a 40-70% reduction of energy use from the word go. They also result in very low maintenance costs.
Our products are environmentally sustainable by design, containing no lead, mercury, or toxic heavy metals. Their components are all RoHS compliant.